Friday, August 17, 2007


Yep, that's me!

I ran the Chicago Distance Classic last Sunday, with near-nary a significant training run going into it.  I realized that I feel rather grateful that I was able to do it.  And, I suppose that I shouldn't complain about my 2:22 finish time considering how much work I put into getting ready for it ... that is, not much. I wasn't in it for the money.  This time especially I felt the "race is the prize."

So, what have I done with myself since?  Not running, that's for sure.  I've been so busy in my other life (that is, my job, geek stuff) that I haven't been able to get to sleep at any sensible time to allow me to get up in order to run!  I really hate burning the candle at both ends (which I do so well, and consistenly for years), so in the interest of my mental health and health in general, I've been allowing myself the extra 90 minutes to sleep.  I thankfully have been getting in some yoga practice, but even that has been challenging.  Regardless, I consider this particular way of living to be temporary.

Marathon training must recommence now!

I've come to realize (or remember) that I'm not a runner for PR or speed.  I really just like to run and to be out running regardless of the given performance.  I recall that when I started I never had any intention to actually run anything, only to be able to.  What this *really* means is that I go out to run because it's *fun* ... as it should be!  And I just want to run a 26.2 mile chunk of fun!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

ॐ नमस्ते ... back in action

Wow, that was cool.  

Anyway, I haven't been here lately, but I have been many other places!   I am running.  I am practicing yoga regularly, and I'm learning.  I work hard, and I'm having a really good summer around all this cool stuff I'm doing.  

My running has changed, though, since my last post.  I ended up taking most of May off, which was kind of a shock after logging many miles/week.  June saw me slowly building up mileage, ditto July, and now here we are at the beginning of August.  I'm not where I was, but I'm not so sure I want to be.  I've been practicing yoga, and I'm coming to this conclusion:

Yoga is great for running (and pretty much everything), but running is not great for yoga.

I'm not going to stop running, I just dig it too much.  I'm just not so enticed by running for any particular purpose....I just like to run.  Even jog.  Cruise.

I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know I'm signed up for the Chicago Distance Classic and I feel rather unprepared (but I think I'll finish with some self-respect).  I've also got the Chicago Marathon, and I'd sure like to participate in that.  I'm just kind of worried about my lax attitude, and the fact that lots of running doesn't really allow me to progress the way I think I can in my yoga practices.

Like everything everywhere, it's a matter of balance, and a matter of always finding it.  


(that is really cool, huh?)