Tuesday, February 13, 2007

From nod to plod

Dear God my run this morning was an extreme sport.

Chicago is being socked in at the moment, and I in my clearly finite wisdom "went for it" this morning. My regularly scheduled run, a 7 miler out & back along the lakefront path, can be categorized something like this today:

- moguls
- wind armed with millions of needle-like projectiles (in all directions, of course)
- wet socks
- grit

I learned a lot about reading snow drifts today, too.

Alas, I survived. I had a great workout. Hats off to the other 3 runners I saw out there. I couldn't fall asleep too easily last night either, and ended up getting maybe 4 hours before this morning's adventure. I doubt that'll happen again tonight, so tomorrow's run is already better.

It's still snowing, well over 12 hours later. Since I'm doing the same run tomorrow, I'm crossing everything I can cross hoping the park district actually moves some snow around for us.

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