Wednesday, March 21, 2007

One reason why I run

I came across this great runner's-view writeup of "runner's high" at A Trail Runner's Blog. Here's a link. I'll make it a point to follow up and check out his links into further research. Regardless, I've experienced that feeling described (also at around the 8-mile mark, curiously, and later as well) and for me it's definitely something I strive to experience.

Thank you Scott Dunlap for publishing/posting that great article.


Scott Dunlap said...

You are welcome. Thanks for the link!

Congratulations on your first marathon success! Many more to come, I'm sure. I'll have to check out Sport Tracks - looks very cool.

Cheers, SD

terryg said...

Thank you! I've already registered for Chicago 2007, and I'm looking for stuff to fill in the weeks/months up to then.

I have absolutely no relation to Sport Tracks except as a satisfied customer. Their site is
